Small Breed Dogs Growing in Popularity Around the World – 77 Little Dogs PetParents Love

French Bulldog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Why Are Small Dog Breeds Becoming More Popular?

According to the U.S. Humane Society, nearly 48% of households in America include at least one small dog. Small dog breeds are rising in popularity in the U.S. for some very practical and logical reasons:

  • Small dogs eat less, making them more affordable.
  • The smaller the dog, the easier it is to transport them – both around town and on long trips.
  • Little dogs are becoming more welcome in public places like restaurants, malls, airports and hotels worldwide.
  • Loyalty, affection, lap snoozes and nighttime snuggling are the qualities of small dog breeds that PetParents love.
  • Small dog breeds tend to live longer than larger dogs, and who doesn’t want that for their furkids?

What Else Makes Each of the 77 Small Dog Breeds Popular?

Which is THE most popular small dog breed in the U.S.? Which small dog breeds have been popular the longest? Which little doggies have been the favorites of Royalty throughout history? Find out more about the 77 Small Dog Breeds around the world and what makes each little dog breed the popular choice of millions of little dog lovers. Then click the links to find out more about your own favorite little doggies.

cirneco dell-etna small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Cirneco dell-Etna

This is an ancient small dog breed from Sicily which is named after Mount Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe. Rarely found outside of Italy, this small dog breed is used for hunting, and is recognized for its slim build and athletic ability.

cocker spaniel small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Cocker Spaniel

This popular and well-known little dog breed was bred in England as a hunting dog. Today the Cocker Spaniel is the smallest sporting breed dog, but is known to be a friendly, affectionate, and loyal canine companion.

dachshund Dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait


Surprisingly, this little dog breed was developed in Germany for hunting. Also known as the “weiner dog” because of its long body and short legs, it’s hard to imagine what the Dachshund could successfully hunt down, despite it’s bold personality.

Danish-Swedish Farmdog breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Danish-Swedish Farmdog

The name pretty much says it all about this little dog breed. The Danish-Swedish Farmdog originated in Denmark and they most often work on farms as rat exterminators and watch dogs. They are also known to be good companions to humans, including children.

English Toy Spaniel small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

English Toy Spaniel

a/k/a King Charles Spaniel, some experts believe this little dog breed originated in ancient Japan, or possibly ancient China before it found its way to England. English Toy Spaniels were popular with royalty and were often seen in paintings and tapestries. although the are generally affectionate and gentle lap dogs, they are also known to have a stubborn streak.

French Bulldog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

French Bulldog

Currently the most popular little dog breed in the U.S., the French Bulldog was originally from England. Its popularity stems from its affectionate nature, its distinctive “bat ears,” and because it’s just so doggone cute.

German Spitz small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

German Spitz

It is speculated that this breed has its origins in the Stone Ages in an area known as Pomerania. It is no wonder that the German Spitz is often confused with the Pomeranian breed. The German Spitz is rarely found in the U.S. and this small dog breed has not been officially recognized by the American Kennel Club.

glen of imaal dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Glen of Imaal Terrier

This terrier breed originated in the Glen of Imaal in Ireland and has been used for hunting vermin and small game since the 16th century. Courageous and loyal, this little dog breed likes to play. But they don’t know their own strength, so they need to be watched around small children.

havanese small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait


The Havanese is the official dog of Cuba, and they were developed from an extinct dog species. is a small dog breed originally from Cuba. They are growing in popularity among city dwellers, and have a reputation for being the most social dogs in the world.

italian greyhound small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Italian Greyhound

Originally bred in Italy, the Italian Greyhound is a small dog breed that is known for its speed and agility. They are not often used for racing in the US, but they often get abandoned to shelters because they have severe separation anxiety and can be difficult to house train.

jagdterrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait


This small dog breed has its origins in Germany and its name literally means “hunting terrier.” Because of its size, the Jagdterrier is particularly well suited to flushing out animals underground. These little dogs haven’t been very popular in the U.S. primarily because sports like fox hunting are not as popular there.

japanese chin small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a small dog breed that is believed to have originated in China and was brought to Japan as a gift. Bred to be as small as possible, Japanese Chin was the breed of royalty. They were first brought to the U.S. by Matthew Perry (the commodore, not the “Friends” sitcom actor).

japanese spitz small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Japanese Spitz

First seen in 1920, this new breed was developed in Japan from White German Spitz dogs. The Japanese Spitz is sometimes referred to as the Cloud Dog because of its fluffy white fur, and it is one of the longest living little dog breeds with a life expectancy of 10 – 16 years.

japanese terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Japanese Terrier

This breed is originally from Japan before it was imported to the Netherlands and bred with pointer dogs. This is an active little dog breed that loves to be outdoors and needs plenty of exercise. Japanese Terriers tend to get attached to one human and can be very possessive of that human.

lakeland terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Lakeland Terrier

Originally from England, the Lakeland Terrier is a small dog breed that was bred for keeping sheep herds safe by hunting small game like foxes. This is a “long legged” little dog breed because the original breeders believed that would enable this Terrier to navigate the rough terrain where the sheep herds roamed.

Lancashire Heeler small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Lancashire Heeler

This breed is from England and was originally used for herding cattle and sheep. These small dogs accomplish that task by nipping at the heels of the herd members who have strayed. This is a rare small dog breed, with only about 5,000 Lancashire Heeler dogs in existence worldwide.

Lhasa Apso small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is a small dog breed that is originally from Tibet. They were bred as a watchdog for Buddhist monasteries and are known for their long, flowing coat and independent nature. In the U.S. this little dog breed is very popular among entertainment celebrities.

lowchen small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait


Also known as the “Little Lion Dog”, the Lowchen is a small dog breed that is originally from France. They are known for their distinctive lion-like haircut and outgoing personality. In 1973, this small dog breed was one of the rarest breeds in the world with only 65 registered dogs.

maltese small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait


The Maltese is a small dog breed that is believed to have originated on the island of Malta in ancient times, because it appeared in the writings of Aristotle and Diogenes. Known for their color-changing noses and their flowing white coats, this little doggy is very popular because it is hypoallergenic and hardly ever sheds.

Is Your Favorite Little Doggy Missing?

Is your favorite small breed dog missing from the list above? Do not dismay! All 77 Small Dog Breeds Worldwide are here!

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