Funny Bones Quote #1 – Julius Caesar’s Dog and A Universal Truth

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[This Funny Bones quote comes from The Dog of Julius Caesar, who was aptly named Julius Schnauzer. Grab the complete shareable, downloadable, and printable image of this DoggyLittle Funny Bones quote ↓↓↓BELOW ↓↓]

Julius Caesar was a celebrated general in ancient Rome, who has long been remembered for his life philosophies which led him to memorable military success in his lifetime. He is credited with the famous quote, “Veni, vidi, vici,” which translates to:

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

This quote has endured for centuries and has become the battle cry for decisive leadership and quick action which results in successful achievements for people in all walks of life.

Speaking of “walks of life”…

The lesser-known, but not less significant version of this famous quote is attributed to Julius Caesar’s loyal canine companion, who was aptly named, Julius Schnauzer. From his more “grounded” perspective, Julius Schnauzer became well known for his own version of this famous quote, which was…

“I came, I marked, I conquered.”

This pup-ular version of the Caesar quote is arguably more profound because it speaks directly to a Universal Truth, which is…

All creatures great and small have an innate desire to leave their mark on their world.

We have Julius Schnauzer to thank for reminding us of that.

The doggy fur-sion of this famous quote is even more relatable because how many times are most of us called upon to defeat aggressive foes in distant lands compared to the number of times that nature “calls” us to “do our duty” every day?

The wise words of Julius Schnauzer, therefore, proves once again that there is wisdom in the simplest of thoughts, and that life mastery doesn’t just come from the self-appointed “masters.”

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