Little Known Fun Facts About 77 Small Dog Breeds – DoggyLittles From Sweden to Tibet to the White House

silky terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Not Many Humans Know These Facts About Little Breeds

Small Dog Breeds have been traceable as far back in history as Ancient Egypt, with the oldest breed being at least 5000 years old. Do you know which Small Dog Breed is the oldest in the world? Most humans don’t know which is the oldest small dog breed, or any of the other obscure and fascinating fun facts and trivia about Little Dogs.

Do you know… ?

  • Which small dog is known for being an Escape Artist?
  • Which Belgian breed is often mistaken for a fox or wolf?
  • Which little doggy breed was almost extinct and was revitalized by just 14 pure bred pups?
  • Which type of small dog breed belonged to Michelangelo and was often seen in old master paintings in the 16th century?

Betcha you didn’t know…

Get ahead of the human pack and uncover the Little Known Fun Facts about Small Dog Breeds in the index below. Then click the links to find out even more Little Dog Secrets and Trivia.

hungarian pumi small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait


The Pumi is a breed which originated in Hungary. They were bred to herd sheep and cattle. Because of their innate herding tendencies, they can sometimes be barky, and they may nip at the heels of children in order to “herd” them. Without interaction and guided stimulation, Pumik (the plural of Pumi) can turn any space into a personal agility and obstacle course for entertainment.

rat terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Rat Terrier

Originating in the United States, the name of this small dog breed clearly describes why it was developed. Today these championship rat hunters are used to help control the rat population in New York City. Rat Terriers are also renown escape artists and are overflowing with energy.

russell terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Russell Terrier

This small dog breed originated in England where it was known as the Jack Russell Terrier. The name was changed to just Russell Terrier when the breed arrived in the U.S. But then a new breed developed in the US which is known as the American Jack Russell Terrier. A Russell Terrier by any other name can still jump as high, and this is the little dog breed that can make the highest vertical jump relative to its height.

russian toy dog small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Russian Toy

Originally bred as a lapdog for Russian aristocracy, the Russian Toy is one of the smallest breeds in the world. It has two varieties: smooth and longhaired, and comes in a variety of colors. This is a rare small dog breed, and there are less than 1,000 Russian Toy dogs in the U.S.

Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait cropt

Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka

The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, also known as the Russian Colored Lapdog, is a small breed that was originally developed in Russia as a lapdog for Russian nobility. Translated, its Russian name literally means “colored lapdog,” and it is known for its fluffy, curly coat that comes in a range of colors.

Schipperke small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait


The Schipperke is a small breed that was originally developed in Belgium for its ability to hunt vermin on barges and boats. Translated, it’s name in Flemish literally means “little captain.” They are known for their thick black coat and fox-like face, but are much friendlier little dogs than they initially appear to be.

segugio italiano small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait shiff

Segugio Italiano

The Segugio Italiano, or Italian Hound, is a small to medium-sized breed that was originally bred to be a hunting scenthound. This small dog breed has a lot of stamina and because of that, makes a great hiking companion. Segugio Italianos get along great with children and other dogs, but their strong hunting instincts make them unsuited for households with other species of pets.

shetland sheepdog small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, is a small to medium-sized breed that was originally developed in Scotland for herding sheep. These small dogs have a big bark, so they make good little guard doggies. Shetland Sheepdogs love to learn new tricks and tasks. With patient training can be taught how to help with household chores.

Shiba Inu small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Shiba Inu

Originally bred as hunting dogs in Japan, the Shiba Inu has a fox-like appearance and a name with a mysterious meaning . These little dogs can be reserved with strangers but are fiercely loyal to their family. Much like cats, this small dog breed grooms frequently and keeps itself very clean.

shih tzu small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait bow

Shih Tzu

With roots in ancient Tibet, the Shih Tzu is a small companion breed that was originally bred as lap dogs for Chinese nobility. During the Communist Revolution this little dog breed almost became extinct. Consequently, all Shih Tzu dogs alive today can be traced to one of 14 dogs that were used to rebuild the breed.

silky terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Silky Terrier Toy

Developed in Australia in the late 1800s, the Silky Terrier Toy is a small, energetic breed with a silky coat and lively personality. This small dog breed will hunt any small moving critter and will get lost on the chase, if allowed to. This little doggy is known to be playful and mischievous.

smooth fox terrier small dog Breed image

Smooth Fox Terrier

A small hunting breed originally from England, the Smooth Fox Terrier is known for its muscular build, keen senses, and lively personality. They tend to be overconfident and their “small dog syndrome” can get them into trouble with larger and stronger animals. They have strong hunting instincts and will “forget” commands in favor of any kind of chase.

swedish vallhund small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Swedish Vallhund

An ancient breed from Sweden, the Swedish Vallhund dates back to the time of the Vikings, and was originally known as “Viking Dog.” Many of these little dogs are born without tails, but others have stub tails or full-length tails. Once almost extinct, this small dog breed has been featured on postage stamps in Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, Tajikistan, Mali, and Nicaragua.

teddy roosevelt terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Teddy Roosevelt Terrier

Developed in the United States in the early 1900s, the Teddy Roosevelt Terrier is an energetic small dog breed. They need training and socialization, but both of those things will take time because “Teddies” are known for their stubbornness. Despite the breed name, President Teddy Roosevelt never owned a Teddie. But there is unsubstantiated speculation that he may have had a hand in creating this breed.

tibetan terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Tibetan Terrier

Despite its name, the Tibetan Terrier is not a true terrier, but was given the name anyway because of its size. At least 2,000 years old, this small dog breed is considered to be good luck charms. Coming from the Lost Valley region of Tibet, these little dogs have flat, showshoe-like feet which they needed for climbing and navigating steep terrain.

Toy Fox Terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Toy Fox Terrier

A small breed with a big personality, the Toy Fox Terrier was developed in the United States from crosses between toy breeds such as the Chihuahua with litter runts from breeds like Italian Greyhounds. Commonly referred to as a “big dog in a little dog body,” this toy dog breed is healthy, low maintenance, and high energy. Smart and agile, these little dogs have often been used as circus dogs because of their ability to learn and perform tricks.

volpino italiano small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Volpino Italiano

A small, fluffy breed with roots in ancient Italy, the Volpino Italiano descended from the ancient European Spitz and can be traced back to the 15th century. Reportedly Michelangelo owned one of these little dogs and this small dog breed appears in paintings that date back as far as 1502. Today this small dog breed is rare, and there are only a few thousand of them registered worldwide.

wire fox terrier small dog Breed image photo graphic visual watercolor portrait

Wire Fox Terrier

Originating in England in the 1800s, the Wire Fox Terrier was bred to be small enough to burrow into the ground and flush out foxes for hunters. This little dog has a naturally tenacious personality, and won’t back down from another animal, no matter how oversized. PetParents not only love the distinctive look of the wiry coat of these fox terriers, they also love that the wiry hair doesn’t end up all over the house because this small dog breed doesn’t shed.

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